Your community needs you. Help promote local business on MalagaOne and take advantage of the benefits without costing you money.

If you have reached this point, you are very close to being a new user of Malaga One: the local business digital club:

Surely you have a father, a son, an uncle, a cousin, a nephew or a friend who has a local business and, you don't know what to do to support it?

Do not close the blind. Collaborating costs nothing.

The local business, which is the engine of the economy and the essence of the middle class, is closing. The crisis, the global and connected world, and the speed with which we live are taking over the small and medium business. And meanwhile, what do we do? Do we look or act?

Download the app, it's free and you can register in just two minutes.

In the App you will find those local businesses that are members of the Malaga One Club and that support this movement. In addition, you will be able to access discounts, loyalty campaigns, raffles, contests and content of interest that we will be generating in the very near future.

Have we touched your sensitive part?

Supporting the local business has never been so easy, fun, beneficial and, also: FREE !!!

In the Malaga One App you can find:

Local business support

Without your help this will not be possible, our entrepreneurs need your support. The local business needs you.

Find what you are looking for

Find the entrepreneurs who have joined this initiative and celebrate each of your experiences in the local business.

Sweepstakes and contests

Share those experiences with the community and participate in sweepstakes and contests.

Events and Cultural Agenda

Consult the cultural and leisure agenda of the City and much more that we will generate in the future.

Support your community

Benefit from all the advantages and discounts, simply for supporting Malaga.
Everything totally free


Take the opportunity
  • Help your family member or friend
  • Malaga One is very simple .
  • It only takes two minutes.
  • You can access offers, loyalty cards .
  • You will be able to participate in raffles and contests .
  • Malaga One offers you a single site with a lot of information of local interest .
  • You will be able to participate and share on our social networks all your experiences and recommendations from local businesses.