The App of the local business of Malaga

The new communication channel to support and advertise the local business and much, much more.

Without intermediaries.
Merchant and consumer united.


You will find the merchants and entrepreneurs who support this initiative. The App is FREE


Connect and interact with your favorite local businesses and request information


Meet your personal needs and invest in improving the quality of life in your community.

“One of the keys to the success of any developed country to achieve stability and social, economic and financial progress is the strength and leadership of its middle class. And this is measured by their entrepreneurial capacity. That is why encouraging and promoting consumption in small and medium-sized businesses by citizens should be considered not only an expense, but an investment, since such consumption reverts, in one way or another, to the benefit of the local community. With this idea, MalagaOne was born ”.
David Parrondo Muriel

Consumer .
Supports Local Business.

You are the protagonist:

Surely you have a father, a son, an uncle, a cousin, a nephew or a friend who has a local business and, you don't know what to do to support it?

Do not close the blind:

The use of the App is free, and you will find the services you need.

The best local businesses in one place:

Easy to use, intuitive and with access to discounts and loyalty cards.

And also, you can participate in raffles and contests.

You just have to sign up, and it is very simple and in less than two minutes.

Content of local interest.

We will be adding all kinds of content of local interest such as the best cultural and leisure acts and events.

Entrepreneur .
Bring your business to all of Malaga

Your digital showcase:

If you are a merchant, a businessman or a professional, Club Málaga One is your digital showcase.

Feeling of permanence:

You can be a member of the Málaga One digital club, expand your network of contacts and use the App to increase your presence in the local market.

Discounts and loyalty cards:

You will be able to design your discount campaigns and loyalty cards, all digitally. And much more!

For a super competitive price.

You can subscribe to the app from 8 euros per month, depending on the type of business.

Sin periodo de permanencia.

Y no te obligaremos a un periodo de permanencia. Estamos tan seguro de lo que proponemos, que si te subes a esta ola…. ¡No te bajarás!

I only have words of thanks for David and his great proposal, MalagaOne. A community in which you feel part of a great family and without forgetting one of its great tasks, the dissemination of our business to the great Malaga consumer. Our Services are in constant dissemination, including the facility of direct contact with our client and without intermediaries.

Jesus Salés Segna Solutions

Very surprised with this initiative.
We already have a showcase in Malaga to be able to consume and support the local business.
I think it was something that was needed. A great idea with a comfortable and friendly App, very easy to use where I can find everything I need.

Isabel Rodriguez

Subscribe to your new digital Club.

Subscribe now to MalagaOne.

Whether you are a consumer or an entrepreneur, you have your place in the community.


Take the opportunity
  • Help your family member or friend
  • Malaga One is very simple .
  • It only takes two minutes.
  • You can access offers, loyalty cards .
  • You will be able to participate in raffles and contests .
  • Malaga One offers you a single site with a lot of information of local interest .
  • You will be able to participate and share on our social networks all your experiences and recommendations from local businesses.


Revitalize your business for very little
From 15
/a month
  • Belong to a digital club to support local business in Malaga and increase your “networking”.
  • Exploit this feeling of belonging in your marketing and communication strategies with a digital presence .
  • To be part of this digital club from two roles, as advertisers and as consumers.
  • Use the digital club as a communication channel in addition to their own.
  • Make permanent or specific offers and achieve greater scope and effectiveness .
For only

Know us

Málaga One is owned by Mirando Siempre al Sur, S.L, whose founder and majority shareholder is David Parrondo Muriel. David, from Malaga, and with a degree in Business Administration and Management, is a manager with more than 20 years of international experience in managing multidisciplinary teams, exercising his functions in different countries in the financial, insurance and services sectors.