Identification of our website.
The protection of your privacy.

The owner of this website is:
Mirando siempre al sur, S.L
CIF: B42914424
Registered office: Calle Pinzón 8, Planta 2, Puerta 3. 29001. Málaga.
e-mail : [email protected]
Telephone: 615489553
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Malaga: Volume: 6026 Book: 4933 Folio: 107
The owner and responsible for this website, makes this document available to users with which it intends to comply with current obligations, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as inform to all users of the website regarding the conditions of use of the website.
The owner also affirms that he owns and owns the MálagaOne PW (Progressive Web Application), and that in turn he has the following pages on social networks:
Access to the website implies unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of use that the user claims to fully understand. The user agrees not to use the website and the services offered therein to carry out activities contrary to the law and to respect these general conditions at all times. The provider may interrupt access to its website at any time if it detects a use contrary to legality, good faith or these general conditions.
The owner reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without any obligation to pre-notify or inform the users of said obligations, understanding as sufficient with the publication on the owner’s website.

Conditions of use of the MálagaOne PWA, hereinafter MalagaOne App:

  1. The MálagaOne App is a directory-type digital platform owned by Mirando siempre al Sur, S.L.
  2. Subscribers: any natural or legal person who contracts with the owner the insertion of advertising data and additional marketing activities.
  3. The user is any natural or legal person who voluntarily downloads, registers, uses and benefits from the different services offered by the MálagaOne App.
  4. The user may download and use the MálagaOne App for free, and therefore accepts the terms of use thereof.
  5. The user may benefit from the offers and discounts offered by subscribers (businesses, businessmen and professionals) as long as they register in the MálagaOne App.
  6. The owner is not responsible to the user and any third party for the provision and / or sale of services and products, by the subscriber. The owner does not intervene in the commercial relationship between the user and the subscriber.


1. Introduction:

This personal data protection policy (the “Privacy Policy”) informs registered users of MálagaOne, both on its Web Platform and in the Mobile Applications, (the “Users”) about the processing of their personal data, and of their legal representatives in the case of legal persons users, by Siempre Mirando al sur, SL Personal data is all information about an identified or identifiable natural person through which the identity of a person can be determined, directly or indirectly. A person’s name, telephone number or email address can be considered personal data. The use of any term defined in this Privacy Policy that is not expressly defined within it, will have the meaning attributed to it in the Legal Conditions.

2. Responsible for the treatment:

Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. with address at Calle Pinzón 8, Planta 2, Puerta 3. 29001. Málaga. is responsible for the processing of personal data that is collected or generated as a result of the use of MalagaOne.
You can contact Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. through any of the following means:
Address: Calle Pinzón 8, Floor 2, Door 3. 29001. Málaga.
Email address: [email protected]

3. Personal data processed:

The data requested from Users in the registration forms will be necessary to manage the registration unless otherwise indicated in the corresponding form. In the event that these mandatory data are not provided, the user will not be able to register. Likewise, during the provision of the services Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. may process additional data if this is necessary or consented to by the User for the purposes detailed below. By entering personal data, Users guarantee Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. that these data are correct, complete and truthful and that they refer only to them and not to third parties.

4. Purposes and legal bases of the treatment:

The personal data of the Users will be treated with the following purposes and legal bases: Purpose Categories of personal data Legal basis Management of the contractual relationship of the Users with Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. Specifically, the data is processed to:
Registration and registration of User accounts: Management and control of the contractual relationship. In particular: (i) the payment of the MálagaOne fee by subscribers (ii) compliance with the Legal Conditions and any other internal rules of the platform, and (iii) the formulation of queries or complaints from Users.
Management of functionalities offered to Users such as: (I) making the platform available for Users to post advertisements and carry out transactions, (II) evaluations of products and services and (III) communication between Users through a chat. Identification data: name and surname, telephone number, email address, profile photograph (not mandatory). Economic and financial data: credit card number, bank account number, data on the payment of fees by subscribers. Information entered by Users in relation to the advertisements published and the transactions carried out between Users, without prejudice to Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. does not intervene in the aforementioned transactions. Management, control and execution of the legal relationship with Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L .. Compliance with legal obligations. Identification data: name and surname, telephone number, email address. Economic and financial data: credit card number, bank account number, data on the payment of fees. Information about the transactions carried out. Compliance with legal obligations. Computer Security of MálagaOne. Identification data: IP address, GPS position. Legitimate interest of Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. to ensure the security of the platform. Preparation of statistics on the use and operation of MálagaOne. Data collected through cookies.
Legitimate interest of Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. to analyze the use and operation of the platform. Commercial communications about the platform’s functionalities and the launch of discounts or other offers on products and services offered on the platform. Identification data: name and surname, telephone number, email address.
For registered users: the legitimate interest of Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. to promote the activities of the platform and the products and services offered on it. For unregistered users: express consent.

5. Visualization of personal data by other users

The User is informed that the platform contains certain functionalities that make the personal data of the Users visible to the rest of the Users. Thus, for example, the identification data of private users, the data that will be publicly visible are name and surname, location, profile photo (whose upload is optional) and their ratings. Likewise, those data that, by User’s decision, are entered in the applications and functionalities aimed at the publication or sharing of data, such as, for example, chat, the publication of announcements, ratings or opinions through the tools will be public. at your disposal in MalagaOne.

6. International transfers and transfers of data

Outside the scope of the platform, personal data may be communicated to the competent authorities in the exercise of their functions.
In the event that any of our service providers or computer systems are located outside the European Economic Area, Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. will adopt all the guarantees that are applicable in accordance with the applicable regulations to guarantee an adequate management of the data, as well as its integrity and confidentiality.

7. Conservation of personal data

Personal data will be kept for a period of 6 years after cancellation as a User and, after that, for the period of time necessary to meet any type of legal or contractual liability (eg, until the prescription of liability that may derive from the regulations on data protection).

8. Minors

As indicated in the Legal Conditions, minors may not use MálagaOne, so they must refrain from providing any personal data.

9. Third Party Data

If Users were to provide third-party data, it will be necessary for them to have obtained the prior and informed consent of the third party in question. In particular, for it to be understood that consent is informed, third parties must have been informed by the User and have accepted the Legal Conditions and this Privacy Policy. It is the sole responsibility of the User to comply with the duty of information indicated and to have obtained the prior consents of third parties without, Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. must take any additional action against said third parties.

10. Use of cookies and other similar technologies

Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L. uses cookies when a User browses the website. You can find more information about the use of cookies in our published Cookie Policy.

11. Rights of users regarding data protection

Users can exercise any of the rights granted by the data protection regulations, which consist of:
Right to access and obtain a copy of your personal data (right of access), Right to rectify any data that is not correct (right of rectification), Right to delete your personal data when permitted by law (right of deletion), Right to oppose the processing of data (right of opposition),
Right to limit the processing of personal data (right of limitation), Right to receive certain personal data in structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (right to portability), and Right to withdraw consent previously given (right to withdraw consent).

11. Rights of users regarding data protection

Pn order to exercise these rights, Users can send a written request via email to the address [email protected] Attaching a copy of your Identity Document or any other official document that identifies you and indicating what right you wish to exercise.
Users also have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( click here ) to claim the exercise of your rights or any other matter related to the protection of your personal data.

12. Privacy policy updates

Siempre Mirando al sur, S.L.reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy at any time, warning it promptly when appropriate.